Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Media-Literate, Paranoid Self

I would just like to start off saying how much I have enjoyed this assignment. Although sometimes a blog post became a frantic Tuesday night ,11:45pm task , this project has become the highlight of Critical Thinking. Where else am I allowed to turn in writing with not-so-on-point grammar or the occasional "lol's?"
As a teenager in today's technology-dominated society, of course I consume tons of media! It's within my reach all the time! (literally too because my phone) The media blog has not diminished my consumption of media, but it has definitely made me about 9347183504823x more aware of what it is that I'm consuming. Before this project, the first thing I usually notice about advertisements is either the person featured or the font/color theme. Those eye catching qualities of an ad may actually be harmful to the company if I take the role as a consumer. Now, even if I only get a glance at an ad, I begin to analyze everything possible. I analyze it to figure out what needs the company is appealing to and what techniques they use. As a critical thinker, I also begin to utilize healthy skepticism to question whether or not the company will be able to deliver what it is promising its consumers. Wheels in my brain begin turning and I can no longer enjoy the messages advertisers are attempting to convey, which is the essence of this course.
In just a short four months, my whole view on advertisements and other forms of media has changed. I can't even watch a movie normally without pointing out the product placements embedded in random scenes. Just today, my friend and I were watching a movie and when we saw the main character using her MacBook Pro, we turned to each other and said "product placement!!!"

And that's when I knew, Critical Thinking has permanently changed me, for the better.
I honestly don't think my media consumption level will change in the future, but I have retained enough from Critical Thinking to realize what the advertiser is selling to us is completely different from the reality. I was simply too blind to see this before, when I would fall victim to whatever needs they were appealing to.
Because of this blog, I won't fall for advertising techniques as easily as I did before, nor will I be subconsciously brainwashed by product placements and love marks. Although, who's to say I won't be continuing to support love marks? lol (<-- see I did it again!!!)
me before media blog
me after media blog

Peace out girl scout <3!!

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